Serving our customers, meeting today's challenges, focusing on the future in producing on-time and on budget turnkey operations

Granite will get the job done properly the first time!
Since 1990, Granite has maintained a staff that now has more than 100 years of combined experience. Granite has achieved a superior degree of professional excellence and is a leader as a turnkey urban renewal contractor. Our organization has become a model for other businesses that are seeking to become well-established in the turnkey urban renewal industry. As a dedicated union member, Granite is signatory to Local #3 - Operators Union, Local #261 - Laborer's Union, and Local #67 - Asbestos Abatement Workers Union.

For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: 650-737-8700 or fill out the following form
Head Office
1300 El Camino Real, Suite #100
Colma, CA 94014
Tel: 650-737-8700
Fax: 650-737-8704
To apply for a job with Granite Excavation & Demolition, Inc., please send a cover letter together with your resume to: graniteex@granitesf.com